PGM “China Dragon 2001” PCBs March 3, 2019Uncategorizedadmin U22: UNENCRYPTED 68K CODE U12: ENCRYPTED ARM7 CODE U11: BACKGROUNDS CODE PCB NO – 0350-00T-FL-A PCB NO – 0349-01-FL
PGM “Hacked Cart 2” PCBs March 2, 2019Uncategorizedadmin NOTE: Chip next to lattice chip : NXP LPC2132FBD64
PGM “Hacked Cart 1” PCBs March 2, 2019Uncategorizedadmin NOTE: This “hack” cart replaces the characters in the game with Street Fighter ones. Its very interesting as the PCBs have been made from scratch. BUT these carts still have the holograms and stickers from the official PGM carts….
PGM “Dragon World: Pretty Chance” PCBs March 1, 2019Uncategorizedadmin U22: UNENCRYPTED 68K CODE U12: ENCRYPTED ARM7 CODE U11: BACKGROUNDS CODE PCB NO -0350-00T-FL-A PCB NO -0349-01-FL NOTE: